Code of Conduct

All players, parents, coaches, guardians and spectators involved in Liga Suparimau presented by Boost Juice must abide by the following Code of Conduct. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in an individual or team being removed from the league.

The Code of Conduct is divided into 3 sections, relating to different individuals involved in the league:

Parents and Guardians

As a parent or guardian of a player in Liga Suparimau I agree to play my part and support the Liga Supraimu Code of Conduct by doing the following actions:

    • Celebrate good effort and play by both teams
    • Always respect the referee, coaches and players encouraging my own child and their team to do so as well
    • Stay behind the touchline and/or in the designated area for supporters
    • When players make a mistake, offer them  encouragement to try again next time
    • Never engage in or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour 
    • Respect the facilities I am at
    • Have fun and enjoy the matchday

Coaches and Team Managers

As a coach or a team manager involved in Liga Suparimau I agree to play my part and support the Code of Conduct by doing the following actions:

  • Place the well being, enjoyment and safety of the players above all else 
  • Focus on player development and give all players equal playing opportunities
  • Always show respect to everyone involved in the game
  • Stick to the rules and celebrate the spirit of the game
  • Encourage fair play and high standards of behaviour
  • Always respect the referee and encourage the players to do so
  • Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission
  • Never engage in or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
  • Be aware of the potential impact of bad language on others
  • Be gracious in victory and defeat
  • Respect the facilities I am at


As a player involved in Liga Suparimau I agree to play my part and support the Code of Conduct by doing the following actions:

  • Always play my best for the benefit of the team
  • Play fairly and be friendly
  • Play by the rules and respect the referee
  • Listen carefully to what my coach tells me
  • Understand that a coach has to do what’s best for the team
  • Encourage my teammates
  • Respect the facilities I am at

As a player, coach, parent or guardian I understand that if I do not follow the Code of Conduct which has been set out I run the risk of being suspended or removed from Liga Suparimau